Here’s how you can help the bees in your garden

Did you know that around one third of the food we consume every day relies mainly on pollination from bees? How incredible is that! Bees are incredibly important insects that humans heavily rely upon to keep plants and crops alive – therefore without bees, humans would have little left to eat. Meaning, we must work hard in order to keep bees in our ecosystem.


In the UK and worldwide, bees are sadly declining in population. This is mostly to do with how humans shape the world. From intensive cropping to usage of chemicals – our actions on the world is having a big impact on bees. Below are some quick facts about the effects we are causing in the decline of bees:

Reasons why there’s a bee population decline

  1. Our farming practices on a large scale and taking up green space with urban living has impacted bees source of food 
  2. Climate change has affected bees behaviour to nest as flowers have been affected by the impact of the seasonal changes from warmer winters and wet summers 
  3. The use of pesticides is having an effect on the health of bees 

So what next? Here’s how you can help the bees in your garden

A big way that you can help bees is to make your garden bee friendly. It’s much simpler than you think. By planting a variety of bee friendly plants, your garden will be thriving with pretty flora and the bees will be thanking you – what’s more you will be helping the bees and the ecosystem just by flourishing your garden. 

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Plant your garden with Beebombs to help the bees

Beebombs are handmade seed balls made from sheltering local clay and sifted compost. Seed bombs are packed with a variety of native wildflower seeds, most of which are on Royal Horticultural Society’s ‘Perfect for Pollinators’ list. 

No skill is required to plant the Beebombs seeds, so even if you’re a green-finger beginner, this could easily be your first project in the garden! 


You can plant the Beebombs anytime of the year and they just go into the soil (try not to use compost) – but they will need plenty of water, sun and the patience of time. If you don’t have a garden and would still like to grown Beebombs you can always grow them in a plant pot, just make sure to use soil. 

It’s important to note that Beebombs seeds do require patience, some will flower in the first year, but it’s the second year that you will really see them bloom. As soon as they do bloom however, the bees will be ready to enjoy your grown-with-love flowers to pollinate. 

You can buy Beebombs online here. There are a range of seeds to purchase, from a single packet of Beebombs seeds to multipacks and even beautifully packaged wedding favours for something a little unique.

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